Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Amazon FBA Private Label Food Products

Amazon FBA Private Label Food Products

Looking to take that recipe to the world ? have you ever heard of Amazon FBA program ? Well I use FBA to sell my private label snacks Candies and other edibles that we make by hand and the MARGINS ARE AMAZING!

If you are looking to sell your candies sweets and treats FBA by Amazon is one of the greatest way to sell items while YOU SLEEP!!! I AM SERIOUS>>>>VERY SERIOUS !

Here's how we do it ! We are a family run candy business, and almost all the items we sell are hand made and made to order . Last year we started a Amazon store to sell our candies to the world, and by adding the FBA program we started selling and selling ! We have several items that we FBA with Amazon and they sell like hot cakes !

The process is simple start your amazon selling account many of the food items you sell will have to show your a business, a couple legal documents like business license and your up and running. Then you have the chance to sell via FBA ( Fulfillment By Amazon ) they stock your item ship your item, and handle the customer service for your items !


We make the item label the item with the appropriate labeling, and then ship it to the FBA facility ( there is a process to doing this I will wright about later ) that will inform you of just how to label food products the right way), but here is the thing hand made items you can produce in bulk you can package in smaller sizes and make a HUGE MARGIN.

The few things to keep in mind about the FBA program is that there are fess extra fees involved. These fees need to be factored into the selling price of the product. This is where the math comes in you have to consider the fees and such when creating your price!

Now these fees will vary based on several factors, but there is help in figuring this out ! Amazon offers an amazing calculator that will tell the margin in a split second! You just simply enter the info and you get a final margin ! you can simply google FBA Calculator and it will show up !

So back to what I said about selling while you sleep! So once FBA has the item in stock they will then sell items 24 Hours a day ! I get notifications that items have been shipped all day everyday !

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