Tuesday, October 20, 2015

How to Start a Business Series:
 The Power of Goals

             Being a small business owner I have first hand experience in the challenges that face a start up with a limited budget. I have had to overcome numerous challenges that come from a start up ! But the most important yet simple message I have learned and I will offer is NEVER STOP DON"T GIVE UP! it may be at times a trickle yet when the days come that are an overflow it will be worth it.

As a small business owner I have HUGE goals for my business the greatest feeling is that everyday which passes and orders continue to come in I know just a little more that what I am doing IS hwat I should be doing and what I love doing. When setting goals here si the method that works for me.

            1.) Set goals that are attainable( and think of the goals that may seem unattainable) Heres what I mean when you start out you will not have all the answers or the exact path you should take to achieve your goals na dthat IS OK!!! Goals are a starting point where the view to achieveing them should be startight ahead ( you don't have to have the exact coordinates). make the goals something you feel firmly able to achieve. For example you want to set a goal for sales based on 1 month at a time ( so don't make a goal to make 100,000 dollars in 30 days) be realistic with a goal of making $10,000 a month till you fell your building up to $100,000. Setting a goal within the business you are in and understanding your industry will make allow you to set attainable goals that will give you the self confidence to reach fro a larger goal !
          2.) Setting goals you should WRITE THEM DOWN I have read hundreds of books on setting goals, The law of Attraction, and the power your mind has especially when you set a goal and WRITE it down ! I have used this myself and IT WORKS! I try each day to take at least 30 minutes by myself to review the day and my goals and where I am in achieving them. This can be a huge part in actually achieving them ! Writing things down allows you to reinforce the goal visually , and allows you to feel the goal . Write down as often the goals you do have and when you would like to see them achieved ! again be reasonable with the attainability of the gola in the time you want them.
          3.) There is a MENTAL MOTIVATION to setting goals ( at least) for me there is when you make a goal you set in motion the wheels in your mind to motivate you in the direction of attainaing them. I don't always know  the exact way to go about attaining the goal yet once I have a goal in mind I feel that I should just GET STARTED and the path will work its way out for me. It feels like a intuition of sorts. The amazingly thing is once yo have achieved a goal the first time you feel much more confident to set higher andhigher goals for yourself whoch will just continue to led to larger goals and then you know the methid works.

          When I was putting myself through college I worked 2 jobs and went to school full time all I did was work and school I had  the gola of getting me degree and that is exactly what I did. Looking back at it the challenge was met and won with work and focus and determination. I now use those qualities in my business everyday ! That gola lead me to another goal and then so on and so on !

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