Thursday, October 8, 2015

How to start an Etsy Shop to sell YOUR hand made items

So we have been selling on Etsy for over 4 years and have put a lot of work into getting 10,000 views a month of our hand made edible food items and we have been able to ship to 15 countries worldwide !

I say this ONLY because if you wanted to sell and ship your goodies to the world I will show you how we did it with blog posts on literally everything you  would want or need to know ! from starting in a  home to growing to a facility and from shipping rates to margins ( how much to charge)?  I will cover it all and give you direction for what each step will take and the best route to take to reach your business of selling online goal !

Selling online can be the most exciting and rewarding type of business because the fun is in the fact that you have the potential to sell to the world (literally). When I owned my Bakery /Deli we almost all relied on the traffic coming from the front door. With the presence online we have a store front open 24 hours a day.

The one main reason I love selling on etsy is there is a huge ,market for LARGE events like weddings !
the bulk of our over 100 piece orders comes from large events like weddings and corporate events. We have created packaging that has appealed to the wide range of companies, events , universities and more! There is a huge community of sellers that sell hand made items and Etsy ( since it went public) has increased its seller and buyer base ! Which is great news for sellers . When you look at this way you have to get excited no matter what you sell because the "traffic" is what you want !

Like a strip mall that has a variety of stores and you own one you will get the extra traffic sources ! The video link below has great info along with over 50 videos from our channel take a look at our videos with specifics on how to grow your business online

One important thing to remember
when you start selling on etsy is the importance of a GREAT Listing for the item!

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