Sunday, September 20, 2015

How to Start an Etsy Shop :
Marketing your products to SELL!!!
Blog Number 3

So you started an  Etsy Shop? Great Now what ? It takes time to invest in Marketing your products now and this is were the work begins. The products wont sell themselves and wont appear on social media, you have to add the right key words for any items to be found, you need to spread the word!
SO here is where this blog comes in !

Once your item photo is added the description need to be the first stepping point for you to make the products your selling get the attention of the customer ! So let's  say your selling cake balls ? Ok there are probably about 50-85 shops on Etsy that sell Cake Balls so there are a few things that can separate you selling yours above and beyond anyone else selling the same. To be honest that can go for any type of items you are selling.

  1. Pictures !!! no no ...AMAZING pictures when your selling cake balls or any food item the unique thing about food is YOU CAN'T SMELL OR TASTE....  so it is your pictures that will sell your food products but thay have to be  well taken ! I would recommend that if you have any natural light in your house start with a spot that can incorporate that light. In our shop for instance we have 2 large windows where we have set up a photo taking area that is dedicated to photo taking only ! We start with our product and usually take a picture with 3-5 pieces of the product not a large amount you want the photos to be as close to the object as possible so when you photograph them there won't be a need to have so many in the shot.
  2. Key Words, Key Words, Key Words...... When  you want the item to be found one of the items to consider is the most to the point and specific key term you can think of. The less specific and vague the word the harder it will be for buyers to find YOUR specific item! As an example : you are selling banana cream cake balls ( which sound amazing) you would want to take advantage of ALL the keywords you can! Etsy has 13 key words so you coule use terms like "banana Cake Balls", " Banana cream cake " Cream cake balls, Banana Cake  and so on ...When you have a item that can utilize key words that are similar when you add keywords that are very identical to your products. The wirds like "cake" , "cookie", and the like are to broad but Banana Cream Cake very specific flavor of cake, White Chocolate Macadamia nut Cookie VERY specific ! plus the use of the words like macadamia nut you may end up getting a customer to buy the cookies vene though they are looking for macadamia nuts!
  3. Description line !!! the main Description is also use in the search process for products and the more to the point and less wordy it is the better. Being very to the point like : Cake Balls Banana Cream cake ball .. is the way to go. I used the term Cake ball first because these are the starting words they would be the first ones MOST people would type in if they are looking for say cake balls, then the flavors ! I have use this method for selling on Amazon, Etsy, Ebay, and others it WORKS!
  4. Social Media the listing everywhere! I am a huge user of social media I have accounts with these: Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, Reddit and others ( these are the main ones I use) and you should ( sorry you HAVE TO BE ON THEM) also I recently joined GooglePlus I LOVE GOOGLE PLUS!! I have in less than 3 months had over 38,000 views of our candy company page!!! that is 38,000 customers as I see it! But for every item you create a listing for on the Etsy should it needs to be immediately posted on social media !

If you are a beginner these tips will be perfect for starters I have another post I will get into more details on promoting and buildiung your etsy shop as well as selling online with ALL the available platforms !
GOOD LUCK and leave me a question or 2 if you have any !

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