Thursday, September 10, 2015

Hello All I have some exciting news we just finished our first on a series of Ebboks for cooking ( baking actually) a short read cook book with classic Italian cookie recipes and cookies, cakes, and more are the focus! We have loved baking and cookie making over the years and have created this classic Italian dessert recipe book mixed with a few stories of our family and how we became what we are today !
For only $3.99 this ebook is one you enjoy reading and MAKING!

Coming from an Italian Family I grew up with a full table on SUNDAY, and delicious desserts that followed. This is a snap shot of a few family classic desserts I enjoyed growing up. These are my families versions of many classic Italian Sweets. These recipes not only brought together amazingly simple ingredients but also brought us together as a family in the "making" of them as well as the enjoying of them. Family celebrations were made more memorable by these sweets , and I bring them to you . This book is a simple guide to making these delicious Italian desserts, as well as a few sample writings of who my family was, and the family members that made my life so far a wonderful experience! I hope you enjoy this short read and deliciously simple recipes.
This is the first in a series of books from Damian Roberti on living the Italian Experience! DO ENJOY!

With Recipes like classic Tiramisu and Biscotti Cookies you will love this short simple to read recipe book!

DO ENJOY and remember your as good as your last CANNOLI!

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